Ticker.info throws error in jupyter but not Google Colab

325 views Asked by At

The following code used worked fine in jupyter but stopped working last week,

import yfinance as yf
ltam = 'AAPL'
ticker = yf.Ticker(ltam)

The error thrown is,

HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v6/finance/quoteSummary/AAPL?modules=financialData&modules=quoteType&modules=defaultKeyStatistics&modules=assetProfile&modules=summaryDetail&ssl=true

However, the above code continues to work on Google Colab.

Oddly all the pricing calls such as yf.download continue to work fine in jupyter. So this error seems to be confined to Ticker.info only.

I have a script that pulls in data for 20 odd tickers 3 times a week, so I don't think it's an excessive usage issue.

Both jupyter and Google Colab are using the same version of yfinance - 0.2.31.

Any pointers appreciated.


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