Threejs How to pass dynamic Texture data from an arry for each Geometry?

61 views Asked by At

I am new in threejs and using it on my nextjs project. here is my array where I have dynamic image name those are all located in my public folder

  const test =  [{
    image_url: "html.png"
   image_url: "css.png"


now my Geometry look like this:

enter image description here

as I have two data in my array so u can see two icosahedronGeometry. here my jsx code:

   <div className='w-28 h-28' key={index} >
    <SkillCanvasfrom   />

my threejs code:

const Skill = () =>  {
 const [decal] =    useTexture(["html.png"]) 
  return (
       <Float speed={1.75} rotationIntensity={1} floatIntensity={2}>
 <ambientLight  intensity={1}/>
  <directionalLight position={[0,0,0.5]}/>

       <mesh castShadow receiveShadow scale={2.75}>
        <icosahedronGeometry args={[1,1]}/> 
        <meshStandardMaterial  color="fff8eb"
        map = {decal}
        rotation={[2* Math.PI ,0 ,6.25]}


const SkillCanvas = () => {
   <Canvas  >
      <OrbitControls enableZoom={false}/>
    <Skill    />

export default SkillCanvas

I want to know how to dynamically pass the image name from my array? I tried below code where trying to pass image_name as props

const Skill = (props) =>  {
 const [decal] =    useTexture([props.image_url]) ....

then in my SkillCanvas

const SkillCanvas = ({image_url}) => {
   <Canvas  >
      <OrbitControls enableZoom={false}/>
    <Skill  image={image_url}  />

then in my jsx

    <div className='w-28 h-28' key={index} >
       <SkillCanvasfrom image={data.image_url}  />

getting this error

Unhandled Runtime Error
Error: Could not load undefined: undefined

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