Thread is not aborted and waits on dispatcher invoke?

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(WPF c# application) . I have mainwindow UI thread where I use a dispatcher invoke in many places of the code. From main thread I start another thread. I try to abort the thread immediately by clicking a cancel button. On cancel button click I use Thread.abort() to terminate the thread. But thread does not abort. I observed that dispatcher invoke is waiting and UI is not responding. I want to run the thread synchronously and not use begininvoke..?

button cancel event is in class A ,we are calling thread abort.


when thread abort is called we are calling custom message box from the thread via delegate

custom message box calling looks like this and is in class A

            this.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>

                    QMessageBox = new QatMessageBox(this);
                    result = QMessageBox.Show(messageBoxTest, messageBoxCaption, messageBoxButton, messageBoxImage);


custom message box looks like this and is in a separate class

       public QatMessageBox(Window owner)
        Owner = owner;
        this.DataContext = this;

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