The UFL 'u2lcom.dll' required to implement the function is missing

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I've been attempting to get my RPT to PDF conversion working via the REST API. I've scoured every possible thread on the internet. Is there someone who can precisely tell me what's wrong with the u2lcom.dll? It's present in the Explorer structure, and I even tried to register it, but no luck. "No entry point found...."

Currently, I'm working on:

Windows 11, 64-bit Visual Studio 2022 .NET 4.8.0 Crystal Runtime Engine (64 and 32-bit installed). I've also logged my dataset to check if it's empty, but all information is available.

Here is my code:

ReportDocument rpt = new ReportDocument();
string reportFileName = @"C:\Users\user1\Source\Repos\project4\rptTopdf\Sample.pdf";

var cnn = new SqlConnection(testConnectionString);
var sql = selectStatement;

SqlDataAdapter dscmd = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, cnn);

System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet();

dscmd.Fill(ds, tableName);


rpt.ExportToDisk(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, reportFileName);

Here is the stack trace: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.FormulaException HResult=0x80041A00 Message=Error in file "Sample 16288_6460_{71F8045C-A58F-4034-A6AD-5CF0E8CA2A1A}.rpt": Error in formula Barcode128: 'WhilePrintingRecords; ' UFL "u2lcom.dll" missing to implement the function. Source= Stack trace:

Inner Exception 1: COMException: Error in file "Sample 16288_6460_{71F8045C-A58F-4034-A6AD-5CF0E8CA2A1A}.rpt": Error in formula Barcode128: 'WhilePrintingRecords; ' UFL "u2lcom.dll" missing to implement the function.

I tried every Thread on the internet but had no luck with it


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