I am using .Net 4.5, Coded UI framework and CUITE extension to creating tests. When I am creating PageObjects, I should inherit it from CUITE_BrowserWindow class. Then the Tests in TextExplorer become unavaliable. Here is example of my PageObject Class:
public class MainSearchPage:CUITe_BrowserWindow
public MainSearchPage(string title) : base(title) { }
private CUITe_HtmlEdit searchField
CUITe_HtmlEdit field = new CUITe_HtmlEdit("Name=q");
return field;
Here is example of my Coded UI test Class:
public class GoogleSearchTest
public GoogleSearchTest()
public void GoogleSearhTesting()
I'm not sure if this is exactly the issue you're having, but for me the tests started showing up when I launched Visual Studio as an Administrator.