The right way to check if a string has hebrew chars

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The Hebrew language has unicode representation between 1424 and 1514 (or hex 0590 to 05EA).

I'm looking for the right, most efficient and most pythonic way to achieve this.

First I came up with this:

for c in s:
    if ord(c) >= 1424 and ord(c) <= 1514:
        return True
return False

Then I came with a more elegent implementation:

return any(map(lambda c: (ord(c) >= 1424 and ord(c) <= 1514), s))

And maybe:

return any([(ord(c) >= 1424 and ord(c) <= 1514) for c in s])

Which of these are the best? Or i should do it differently?


There are 3 answers


You could do:

# Python 3.
return any("\u0590" <= c <= "\u05EA" for c in s)
# Python 2.
return any(u"\u0590" <= c <= u"\u05EA" for c in s)
Marcin On

Your basic options are:

  1. Match against a regex containing the range of characters; or
  2. Iterate over the string, testing for membership of the character in a string or set containing all of your target characters, and break if you find a match.

Only actual testing can show which is going to be faster.

yekta On

Its simple to check the first character with unidcodedata:

import unicodedata

def is_greek(term):
    return 'GREEK' in[0])

def is_hebrew(term):
    return 'HEBREW' in[0])