i have created a table named "foo_logs" by bake migrations. and then, created model and controller named "FooLogs" by bake.
Now, the model and controller have been created. The controller has a property called "$FooLogs" (bake wrote).
i tried to get the data for "foo_logs" but I see "Call to a member function find () on null". as follows;
$fooLogs = $this->paginate($this->FooLogs->find('all')->where($conditions));
i searched for the reason why $ this-> FooLogs is null. then, when identifying the modelClass, i confirmed that "Foologs" was used (l instead of L).
i want to know why "Foologs" is used. bakes it was completed as "FooLogs"! maybe the word "log" has a special meaning in CakePHP?
thanks in advance. reguards,
The cause is the link output to the page of the controller, as follows. It was because the controller name was "foologs" as follows:
$this->Html->link('xxxxx', ['controller' => 'foologs'])
When resolving a model class, only the first letter seems to be capitalized (foologs → Foologs).
It's an ordinary mistake. I confirmed that it works without any problem by writing the controller name correctly.
I apologize to you for a fuss over.