The page was not displayed because the Request URI is too long

2.2k views Asked by At

I try to map a network share to an application in IIS8 but when i try to retrieve a test file i get this error in plain black text:

The page was not displayed because the Request URI is too long.

The url i test (on the server) is a short simple one:


I tested from another computer with IP but got the same error.

This is the information I get from the IIS log

2017-09-13 07:56:23 ::1 GET /server/test.jpg - 80 - ::1 Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.3;+WOW64;+Trident/7.0;+rv:11.0)+like+Gecko - 414 0 87 0

Why does it complain about the request URI? Is this a generic error?


There are 2 answers

Robert On

It was a permission problem. The IIS user did not have read-rights to the folder. Changed to use application pool identity instead and now its working.

Mike Flynn On

The issue here was using a virtual directory and the double hop issue with authentication where the folder didn't have the credentials tied to it. Needed to manually set it on the folder.