The guard doesn't notifies with growl when the specs are run

253 views Asked by At

When I modify my guardfile then I receive the notification with growl, but when I modify a specfile and the specs are run I don't.

Any idea is welcome.

I have:

  • growl: 2.1.3
  • ruby_gntp (0.3.4)
  • guard-spring (0.0.4)

And this is the end of my Guardfile:

notification :gntp
notification :growl

These notifiers are turned on: bundle exec guard notifiers 19:13:30 - INFO - Guard::Spring Initialized

| Name              | Available | Used | Option                 | Value             |
| gntp              | ✔         | ✔    | sticky                 | false             |
| growl             | ✔         | ✔    | sticky                 | false             |
|                   |           |      | priority               | 0                 |

If I comment the gntp and the growl options out then those won't be autodetected by guard..


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