The display contents of v-text-field are not updated immediately

98 views Asked by At

The display contents of v-text-field is not updated immediately.

How to reproduce:

  1. Go Vuetify Playground
  2. Input more than 10 characters in the text-field.
  3. Deleted longer than 10 characters in the text-fields, but not immediately.It will not be deleted during input. It is deleted when focus is removed.

I am using v-text-field in a custom component:

  <v-text-field clearable
<script setup lang="ts">
  import {ref, computed } from "vue";
  import {} from "vue"

  const props = defineProps<{modelValue:string}>();
  const emits = defineEmits<{
    (e:"update:modelValue", text:string): void;

const data = computed({
        return props.modelValue;
        emits("update:modelValue", convert(value))

// Delete over 10 chars
const convert = (target:string) =>{
    if(target.length > 10){
        return target.substring(0,10)
    return target;

The parent component uses the custom component as follows:

      <custom-text-field v-model="text"></custom-text-field>

<script setup lang="ts">
  const text = ref("");

It will be deleted during input.


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