The Activity does not start with usb connected and debugging

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I couldn't find if this question was asked before, sorry if it was.

I'm building an application, the MainActivity extends FragmentActivity because I have two ViewPagers that shows my fragments.

I don't know why, at the beginning I was debugging my app without problems, but after some development I can't debug my app anymore.

When I start debugging, it shows "Waiting for debbuger", then when my activity launch, it stops into white window, I have to remove my USB cable to access my application.

I have no error logs, no crash warnings, nothing, my app runs without any problem, I have no problems to plug my USB cable again.

The only thing that is showed on my pc is and DexFile.class saying the following, but I don't know how it works:

"Source not found The JAR file ...\sdk\plataforms\android-16\android.jar has no source attachment. You can attach the source by clicking Attach Source below..."

I created a TestActivity with a single Text View, I had no problem with the debugger, the problem looks to be on my MainActivity.

I have friends with the same problem, but we couldn't find a solution, I also tried:

Window >> Open Perspective >> DDMS >> View Menu >> Reset ADB, but nothing changed.

What is wrong? As I said, no errors on my logCat, my app does not crash, nothing, I'm facing some problems with my Service but I believe they are happening because of this issue.

Thanks in advance and forgive my English.


There are 1 answers

Melquiades On

First, go into Project->Clean and err...clean the project ;)

Then, make your app debuggable by adding android:debugabble="true" in AndroidManifest.xml, where your application is defined:

    <application android:icon="@drawable/icon"
add this--->  android:debuggable="true"

It's not necessary since SDK Tools, Revision 8 (December 2010), but please give it a go.