I'm trying to implement a custom policy for a specific team project (projectA). However when I implement this in the context of projectA, it evaluates for every file in the included check ins. Say I have a check in for ProjectB larger than 1MB. It will evaluate for this even though it is not in the context of the currently policy, projectA. How can I adjust this so that it will only evaluate for the current project.
public override PolicyFailure[] Evaluate()
foreach (PendingChange pc PendingCheckin.PendingChanges.CheckedPendingChanges)
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(pc.LocalOrServerItem.ToString());
if (file.Length > 1048576)
return new PolicyFailure[] { new PolicyFailure("File size exceeds 1 MB. The size of the file is: " + file.Length.ToString() + " Bytes.", this) };
return new PolicyFailure[0];
Registry key I'm using:
[$RootKey$\TeamFoundation\SourceControl\Checkin Policies]
If the custom check in policy works well, you just need to use Custom Path Policy. Just like the description mentioned: This policy scopes other policies to specific folders or file types.
Note: TFS 201X Power Tools is needed.
Detail steps about how to use this, you can refer this link: TFS 2010 : How to apply check-in policies to only certain branches or folders