tf2onnx.convert has no attribute from_saved_model

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I am trying to convert my custom objectdetection model .pb to .onnx model here is the code snippet

import tf2onnx

# Replace with your paths
saved_model_path = '/path/to/saved_model'
onnx_export_path = '/path/to/model.onnx'

# Convert SavedModel to ONNX
tf2onnx.convert.from_saved_model(saved_model_path, output_path=onnx_export_path)

System information

OS Platform and Distribution: WINDOW TensorFlow Version:2.15.1 Python version: 3.9.12 ONNX version (if applicable, e.g. 1.1.):1.15.1 ONNXRuntime version (if applicable, e.g. 1.11):1.16.2 To Reproduce I read the library tf2onnx.convert file there is no module/function with named as from_saved_model as well as from_tensorflow

Additional context my existed model is trained with SSD EfficientNet-D2 with BiFPN

I was trying to convert my custom objectdetection EfficientNet-D2 with BiFPN .pb model to .onnx model


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