I am using the online version of TFS 2012 for my project. I am also the administrator to this account and the only one that has this permission.
I added a new person to my team and wanted to verify the Multi-CheckOut box was unchecked and to verify the workspace was set correctly. Every time I click on Team in Visual Studio on my new members desktop, connect them to the TFS server and click on Source Control, the following message pops up.
tf14044 access denied adminconfiguration global permissions.
However I can get in fine. I tried setting them to Build and Project Administrator, but am still getting the same message. Previously the other members of my team could access the feature just fine without the elevated permissions, and I am pretty sure I have not changed any of the permissions prior to this to not work any longer.
I had the same problem since today. Adding two accounts to Project Build Service (TEAM FOUNDATION) and Project Collection Build Service (TEAM FOUNDATION) to the Group: Project Collection Build Service Accounts solved the issue.
However, I have no idea why this happened, as no configuration changes were done on TFS 2015 Update 2.
Reference: http://www.codewrecks.com/blog/index.php/2016/01/15/troubleshoot-error-tf14044-in-build-vnext-for-tfs2015/