Is there a way to put plain text in inline assembly (ARM)? My problem is reading banked registers. The syntax is (r11 of user mode):
mrs r0, r11_usr
The problem is the "usr"-part.
I tried:
#define READ_REG_MODE(retvar, rg, mode) \
asm volatile (\
"mrs %[reg], r%c[rn]_%c[mod]\n\t"\
:[reg] "=r" (retvar)\
:[rn]"I"(rg), [mod]"X"("mode"):\
with and without quotations both in this macro and in the macro-call. With [mod]"X"("mode") I got:
Error: selected processor does not support requested special purpose register -- `mrs r0,r11_.LC0'
This doesn't actually need to get anywhere near the assembler - it's something the C preprocessor can handle all by itself using the "stringification" # operator: