Cucumber step that fails. When there is no internet connection. It can't download stripe checkout but how to fix or stub it I don't know :( Sorry if the question is not very clear, my english is sucks.
Test where I use VCR
Then(/^I get to purchases Clarity$/) do
VCR.use_cassette("stripe_clarity_payment", :record => :new_episodes) do
expect(page).to have_content '$45 once off payment'
expect(page).to have_xpath("//img[@src=\"/assets/clarity_icon.png\"]")
sleep 0.5
click_on 'Purchase'
stripe_iframe = all('iframe[name=stripe_checkout_app]').last
within_frame stripe_iframe do
page.execute_script(%Q{ $('input#card_number').val('4242424242424242'); })
page.execute_script(%Q{ $('input#cc-exp').val('12/15'); })
page.execute_script(%Q{ $('input#cc-csc').val('111'); })
click_on 'Pay $45.00'
sleep 1
Code from view file, where checkout.js is connected. And this button don't appear without connection to the internet.
<% if user_signed_in? %>
<script src=""></script>
<%= form_tag orders_path, :class => "form-container" do %>
<p><%= link_to "Purchase", "#", :id => "purchase-coaching", :class => "btn btn-lg btn-success", :html => {:role => "button"} %></p>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<p><%= link_to "Log in to purchase", new_user_session_path, :class => "btn btn-lg btn-success", :html => {:role => "button"} %></p>
<% end %>