I would like a Dataflow template with a default value for one of the PipelineOptions parameters.
Inspired by examples online I use a ValueProvider placeholder for deferred parameter setting in my PipelineOptions "sub"-interface:
ValueProvider<String> getMyValue();
void setMyValue(ValueProvider<String> value);
If I specify the parameter at runtime, the template works for launching a real GCP Dataflow job. However if I try to test not including the parameter before doing this for real:
public TestPipeline pipeline = TestPipeline.create();
public void test() {
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(new String[] {...}).withValidation();
Then when my TestPipeline executes a DoFn processElement method where the parameter is needed I get
IllegalStateException: Value only available at runtime, but accessed from a non-runtime context:
RuntimeValueProvider{propertyName=myValue, default=MyDefaultValue}
More specifically it fails here in org.apache.beam.sdk.options.ValueProvider:
public T get() {
PipelineOptions options = optionsMap.get(optionsId);
if (options == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(...
One could presumably be forgiven for thinking runtime is when the pipeline is running.
Anyway, does anybody know how would I unit test the parameter defaulting, assuming the top code snippet is how it should be set up and it is supported? Thank you.
You can also use Flex Tempaltes and avoid all the hassles with ValueProviders.