I have the following
import { match } from 'ts-pattern'
import XRegExp from 'xregexp'
export const alphanumRegex = (action = 'validate'): RegExp | string => {
const baseRegex = XRegExp.tag('gimx')`A-Z0-9`
const finalRegex = XRegExp.tag(baseRegex.flags)`[${baseRegex}]+`
return match(action)
.returnType<RegExp | string>()
.with('negate', () => negateRegex(baseRegex))
.with('validate', () => inputValidationRegex(finalRegex))
.otherwise(() => absentParamError(action, alphanumRegex.name))
export const absentParamError = (action: string, fnName: string) =>
`Absent identifier '${action}' for '${fnName}()'`
export const inputValidationRegex = (regex: RegExp) =>
export const negateRegex = (regex: RegExp) =>
// Testing the regex
const retVal1 = XRegExp.test('abc123', alphanumRegex('validate') )
const retVal2 = XRegExp.test('abc123', /^([A-Z0-9]+)$/gmi)
console.log( {retVal, retVal1, retVal2}) // {retVal: retVal1: false, retVal2: true}
To me it seems that retVal1 and retVal2 RegExp should be identical, but the results are different.
Where is my mistake?