I'm having trouble testing a form submit
event using React, TestUtils and Jest.
I have a component that renders a <form>
DOM element; the same component also has a method that handles the onSubmit
event and logs a statement. My goal is to mock the onSubmit
handler and assert that it is called.
module.exports = React.createClass
# Handle form submissions
handleSubmit: (e) ->
console.log 'Make async call'
# Render a form
render: ->
<form onSubmit={@handleSubmit}>
<input type="submit" />
.dontMock '../form-component'
React = require 'react/addons'
TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils
FormComponent = require '../form-component'
describe 'FormComponent', ->
it 'creates a log statement upon form submission', ->
# Render a FormComponent into the dom
formInstance = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<FormComponent />)
# Mock the `handleSubmit` method
formInstance.handleSubmit = jest.genMockFunction()
# Simulate a `submit` event on the form
# TestUtils.Simulate.submit(formInstance.getDOMNode()) ???
# I would have expected the mocked function to have been called
# What gives?!
Related Questions:
What seems to be your issue exactly?
works for me.If it can help, I was in similar situation and I testing the submit handler this way (using