Terraform: Using SEARCH expressions with CloudWatch Alarms

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I've looked over this question which didn't help so much, so here it goes...

I have a bunch of Lambda functions that I want to monitor and set off a CloudWatch alarm if something goes wrong. The Lambda functions are actually prefixed with environment names, i.e. env-1-function-1, env-1-function-2, env-2-function-1 etc.

These environments are separate, i.e. a cloudwatch alarm setup for env1 shouldn't have anything to do with env2. So to achieve this, I started to look at SEARCH expressions.

This is my alarm:

resource "aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm" "lambda_average_duration" {
  alarm_name          = "${local.env_prefix}-alarm-lambda_average_duration"
  comparison_operator = "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"
  evaluation_periods  = "1"
  threshold           = "40000"
  alarm_description   = "This alarm monitors lambda average duration and triggers if the average of durations rise above 40 seconds."
  alarm_actions       = [aws_sns_topic.alarms_topic.arn]

  metric_query {
    id = "e1"
    expression = "SEARCH('{AWS/Lambda,FunctionName} MetricName=\"Duration\" FunctionName=${local.env_prefix}', 'Maximum', 60000)"
    label = "Function Name filter"
    return_data = true

Where env_prefix will be env-1. This works totally fine in the AWS Console when graphing metrics.

CW Console

Now when I run Terraform, it seems to have an issue with this saying that "Updating metric alarm failed: ValidationError: Period must not be null", however according to the Terraform documentation on this, when supplying metric_query you may not specify period...

Is there a concrete way for me to limit my Lambda metrics to be filtered per environment (name filter), instead of using the Lambda functions across the whole account?


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