I have an issue with terraform databricks labs provider, the below code give me an error "status 400: err Response from server {"error_code":"INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE","message":"Path must be absolute: databricks"} " There is nothing in documentation about path parameter, I tried without "dbfs:" bit it did not like it as well ? Any help would be welcome.
resource "databricks_dbfs_file" "log4j_files" {
content = filebase64("${path.module}/log.txt")
path = "dbfs://databricks/spark-log"
overwrite = true
mkdirs = true
validate_remote_file = true
The path parameter needs to include the filename.
Here's the documentation you'll need as well: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/databrickslabs/databricks/latest/docs/resources/dbfs_file