This shouldn't be that complicated, but it seems that both the Ruby and Python Telnet libs have awkward APIs. Can anyone show me how to write a command to a Telnet host and then read the response into a string for some processing?
In my case "SEND" with a newline retrieves some temperature data on a device.
With Python I tried:
tn.write(b"SEND" + b"\r")
str = tn.read_eager()
which returns nothing.
In Ruby I tried:
which should return something as well, the only thing I've gotten to work is:
tn.cmd("SEND") { |c| print c }
which you can't do much with c
Am I missing something here? I was expecting something like the Socket library in Ruby with some code like:
s = 'localhost', 2000
while line = s.gets # Read lines from socket
puts line # and print them
I found out that if you don't supply a block to the
method, it will give you back the response (assuming the telnet is not asking you for anything else). You can send the commands all at once (but get all of the responses bundled together) or do multiple calls, but you would have to do nested block callbacks (I was not able to do it otherwise).