Teamviewer linux without permanently running daemon

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Teamviewer Linux has the annoying property of installing a permanently running daemon. This not only consumes resources but also presents a security risk. You can disable the daemon startup, however then the teamviewer client does not work anymore.


There are 4 answers


The best way is to enable the daemon before running the teamviewer script and disable it again after the teamviewer client has closed.

The following shell script handles things automatically:

echo starting teamviewer daemon
sudo teamviewer --daemon enable
teamviewer &
wait $!
echo teamviewer finished
sudo teamviewer --daemon disable
echo stopped and disabled teamviewer daemon
xvan On

The tar package allows to run the TV client without installation and without root privileges.

Florian HENRY - Scopen On

On ubuntu 18.04, here how I solve this

Stop autostart demon

$sudo systemctl disabled teamviewerd.service

create script /opt/

#!/bin/bash pkexec --user root systemctl start teamviewerd.service; /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewer; pkexec --user root systemctl stop teamviewerd.service;

Set bash script executable

chmod u+x /top/

Update de /usr/share/applications/com.teamviewer.TeamViewer.desktop


It work perfecly for my needs. I only need to connect to other computer never to mine, so root deamon always running is not needed.

Let's see how it live with update from ppa of Teamviewer

huembert On

The solution Fedora 30+ is:

# systemctl disable teamviewerd.service
# systemctl stop teamviewerd.service

But don't forget to start the service again in order to get a TeamViewer ID.

# systemctl start teamviewerd.service