We have been having an issue with our project's Continuous Integration. Occasionally, we want to try to clean all of the files on build within TeamCity in its checkout directory. Whenever we try to do this, nunit-agent.exe
ends up remaining open from the previous build, yielding the following errors:
[05:35:40]: [Updating sources: Agent side checkout...] Failed to delete file: C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\path\to\UnitTestResults.xml
[05:35:40]: [Updating sources: Agent side checkout...] Failed to delete file: C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\path\to\src\packages\NUnit.\Tools\lib\nunit-console-runner.dll
[05:35:40]: [Updating sources: Agent side checkout...] Failed to delete file: C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\path\to\src\packages\NUnit.\Tools\lib\nunit.core.dll
[05:35:40]: [Updating sources: Agent side checkout...] Failed to delete file: C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\path\to\src\packages\NUnit.\Tools\lib\nunit.core.interfaces.dll
[05:35:40]: [Updating sources: Agent side checkout...] Failed to delete file: C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\path\to\src\packages\NUnit.\Tools\lib\nunit.util.dll
[05:35:40]: [Updating sources: Agent side checkout...] Failed to delete file: C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\path\to\src\packages\NUnit.\Tools\nunit-agent.exe
We always have to ask someone who has access to the box to manually kill the process before the build starts working again. What reasons would NUnit have to remain open indefinitely (we can wait 24 hours and it'll still be hanging)? Is there some command we need to use in our build script to force it to terminate, or to tell TeamCity that if a program hangs to force close it?
Have you tired setting the 'fail build if it runs lonnger than x' setting?
See http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/TCD5/1.General+Settings