Tasm Assembly Code - Terminating a Repeating Program

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In this assembly program code, I'd like to keep entering 'Y'/Yes in the input, and after atleast 3 times of Yes/Y, the program will terminate itself or will jump to endmain, how do I do it?

I'd want this display:

Do you want to try again?: Y
Do you want to try again?: Y
Do you want to try again?: Y
*then the program stops after 3tries*

not this

Do you want to try again?: Y
Do you want to try again?: Y
Do you want to try again?: Y
Do you want to try again?: Y
Do you want to try again?: Y
Do you want to try again?: Y
Do you want to try again?: Y
Do you want to try again?: Y
Do you want to try again?: Y


.model small
a db 10, 13, "Do you want to Try again? Y/N $"

org 0100h

mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax

mov ah, 9
lea dx, a
int 21h
mov ah, 1
int 21h
mov cl, al

cmp cl, 'Y'
je dsply
cmp cl, 'N'
je endmain

mov ah, 4ch
int 21h
end main

Any suggestions?


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