I am trying to automate 'taking a screenshot' on Galaxy S4 and Kindle HDX 8.9 and I am using the following code.
if(!(getUiDevice().takeScreenshot(new File("ANYPATH"))))
System.out.println("False: Screenshot not taken!!");
System.out.println("Gangnam Style...");
ANYPATH values I tried:
- /data/local/tmp/ (For both devices) . Not sure where would I find this folder on the device, I tried this because I pushed my jars to this location.
- /sdcard/pictures/ (For Kindle HDX)
- /storage/emulated/0 (for Galaxy S4)
Irrespective of the path I try, the condition always returns false and the screenshot is not taken on any of the devices (actual devices and not an emulator). I am not sure what am I missing here?
I am just following the syntax from http://developer.android.com/tools/help/uiautomator/UiDevice.html#takeScreenshot(java.io.File)
Regards, Rumit
The takeScreenshot() method is applicable from 4.2 and above android version devices.
If the device version is appropriate then use the following piece of code.
We can view the file by following command.
$ adb shell ls -l /sdcard/name-of-file