My site
I have built a conference website with the Tachyons framekwork. The page has a row of buttons that should be responsive according to the page width.
My problem
The button row looks great in full desktop width and in narrow (<450px) width, but fails at the 500-700px wide range - buttons are not rearranged in two rows, as expected. This looks horrible in mobile devices.
Full width
500-700px wide
Mobile (< 450 px)
<div class="relative absolute-ns bottom--2-ns w-100 vh-20-ns bg-black-80 avenir pv3 pt0-ns mt3 mt0-ns">
<div class="f4 f2-ns near-white avenir tc">
<p>One Day. One Track. One Community.</p>
<div class="dt-ns center">
<div class="dt-row-ns w-100 tc">
<div class="dtc-ns pa2">
<a href="#about">
<button id="cfp-button" type="button" class="f5 link dim br3 ph3 pv2 mb2 dib pv3-ns w4 br2 b--black bg-near-white">
<div class="dtc-ns pa2">
<a href="">
<button id="tickets-button" type="button" class="f5 link dim br3 ph3 pv2 mb2 dib pv3-ns w4 blue bg-near-white">
<div class="dtc-ns pa2">
<a href="#speakers">
<button id="speakers-button" type="button" class="f5 link dim br3 ph3 pv2 mb2 dib pv3-ns w4 br2 b--black bg-near-white">
<div class="dtc-ns pa2">
<a href="#cfp">
<button id="cfp-button" type="button" class="f6 link dim br3 ph3 pv2 mb2 dib pv3-ns w4 br2 b--black bg-near-white">
Call for Papers
<div class="dtc-ns pa2">
<a href="#sponsors">
<button id="sponsor-button" type="button" class="f5 link dim br3 ph3 pv2 mb2 dib pv3-ns w4 br2 b--black bg-near-white">
My question
How can I make the button row fully responsive, so that it would split to 2 or more rows as the page is narrowed?
I recommend flex box as a quick solution here! You can drop the "dtc-ns" classes from the children.
From ~576-719px, this view will display as a row of 4 with 1 on the bottom.
One way to achieve row of 3, row of 2 is to set the width for "medium" viewports on the children; "w-30-m" works well in this case.