I'm trying to query cluster node information from SQL Server 2008 R2 and up using the following query.
nodename node,
status status_value,
status_description status_text,
case when is_current_owner = 1 then 'true' else 'false' end is_current_owner
from sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes
This works fine on SQL Serve 2012 and up but on 2008 R2 according to the sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes page it looks like the status and status_description aren't available.
Is it possible to run the query on 2008 R2 and fill in values for the unsupported columns? I tried using case statements to detect the SQL Server Version and print a default value else the 2012 column. It seems like if the status or status description columns are present anywhere in the query, then the query fails with invalid column.
You could ask the server what version it is and do something different depending on the response.