T-SQL MS SQL Stuff. How to combine rows into single row with group by

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I have a SQL Query:

      ,[D].[Name] AS ResponsibleDepartment
  FROM [Breakdowns_Kohl].[dbo].[Breakdowns] AS [B]
  INNER JOIN Workcenters AS [WC] ON B.WorkcenterId = WC.Id
  INNER JOIN SubAreas AS [S] ON B.SubAreaId = S.Id
  INNER JOIN Areas AS [A] ON B.AreaId = A.ID
  LEFT JOIN Relation_Department_Workcenter AS REL_DW ON B.WorkcenterId = REL_DW.WorkcenterId
  LEFT JOIN Department AS [D] ON REL_DW.DepartmentId = D.Id

which returns table: enter image description here

I cannot figure out how to put it into single row with last column combined with comma separated like:

enter image description here


There are 2 answers


To aggregate the last column into a comma separated string called ResponsibleDepartment, something like this

      ,string_agg([D].[Name] , ',') within group (order by [B].id) ResponsibleDepartment
  FROM [Breakdowns_Kohl].[dbo].[Breakdowns] AS [B]
  INNER JOIN Workcenters AS [WC] ON B.WorkcenterId = WC.Id
  INNER JOIN SubAreas AS [S] ON B.SubAreaId = S.Id
  INNER JOIN Areas AS [A] ON B.AreaId = A.ID
  LEFT JOIN Relation_Department_Workcenter AS REL_DW ON B.WorkcenterId = REL_DW.WorkcenterId
  LEFT JOIN Department AS [D] ON REL_DW.DepartmentId = D.Id

group by [B].[Id],
eshirvana On

if you are using SQL server 2017 or above as it mentioned you can easily use String_AGG aggregate function , if not you can use stuff function and xml like in this question :

string_agg for sql server pre 2017