SystemVerilog: How to connect C function using DPI call in VCS simulator?

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I have the following files:

C file with functions:

// funcs.c

#include <stdio.h>

void something() {

System verilog file:

// hello_world.v

module kuku;
    export "DPI-C" function sayHello;
    import "DPI-C" function void something();
    initial something();
    function int sayHello ();
        $display("hello world");
        sayHello = 1;

How can I compile it and make this work so when I call something() from SV, it will call the C function, and when I call sayHello() from C, it will call the SV function?


There are 4 answers

SomethingSomething On BEST ANSWER

Answering myself:

When SV code is compiled using VCS, it is first translated into C code.

When exporting a function out of SV, it generates a C header file vc_hdrs.h that should be included by the C file.

So a change I made in the C file is to add the line:

#include "vc_hdrs.h"

Then, I just added the C functions file to the VCS compilation command:

> vcs -sverilog hello_world.v funcs.c

It works!

The output I get is:

hello world


Greg On

A solution that works with all simulator that follow IEEE Std 1800-2012 is to have #include "svdpi.h" and prefix the extern keyword in front of all methods being exported to C. funcs.c should look like:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "svdpi.h"

extern int sayHello();

void something() {

Examples from IEEE Std 1800-2012

  • § H.10.2 Example 2—Simple packed array application
  • § H.10.3 Example 3—Application with complex mix of types
Joniale On

Hi I have provided a nice example under this post

Synopsys VCS

1) You compile the C code using flags and introducing the defines you want to add. In our case our C code need the define PYTHON_PATH

#GCC in two steps for shared object
gcc -g -D 'PYTHON_PATH="'$PYTHON_DIR'"'  -fPIC -Wall -I${VCS_HOME}/include -I/usr/include/python2.6/ -lpython2.6 -c ${PROJECTDIR}/verification/PVE/keycontrol/tb/keycontrol_C_code_wrapper.c 
gcc -fPIC -shared -o  keycontrol_C_code_wrapper.o 

2) You do the VCS elaboration linking the python lybrary with -LDFLAGS '-lpython2.6'

vcs -timescale=1ps/1ps -ntb_opts uvm -lca -kdb -full64 keycontrol_tb_top -debug_access+all+reverse  -LDFLAGS '-lpython2.6'

3) You run the created simulation file. You call simv including -sv_lib keycontrol_C_code_wrapper to import the C shared object.

./simv -gui -ucli +DVE +UVM_NO_RELNOTES  -l simv.log  +UVM_TESTNAME=keycontrol_basic_test -do ../../verification/PVE/keycontrol/tools/keycontrol_ucli_init.synopsys -sv_lib keycontrol_C_code_wrapper
MayurKubavat On

I see you've named SystemVerilog file as .v extension. Not sure if that works or not. But lets say if its

Your command line should look like this (for Questa Simulator),

qverilog funcs.c

"qverilog " is to compile and run SystemVerilog files.

That's all. No need to add extra header files