My People are trying to use a custom button in order to send an Email from a VF Page. On click of send button, send method of the Controller Class is called to send an Email.
public PageReference send() {
try {
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage singleEmailMsg = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
singleEmailMsg.setTargetObjectId(emailMsg.ToIds[0]); // This line is causing the System.ListException: List index out of bounds: 0
if (emailMsg.BccAddress != null && emailMsg.BccAddress != '') {
The Constructor:
public SendQuoteEmail_Controller(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
if(qtId != NULL)
qt = [SELECT Id, Name, Contact_Person__c, Contact_Person__r.Name, Contact_Person__r.Email, Opportunity__r.Id
FROM Quote__c
WHERE Id = :qtId];
ownerId = [Select Id,CreatedById from Quote__c where Id=:qtId].CreatedById;
emailMsg = new EmailMessage();
emailMsg.Subject = 'Quote for Opportunity';
emailMsg.ToIds = new List<Id>{qt.Contact_Person__c}; // This collection is coming out as empty in debug (emailMsg.ToIds.size() = 0)
emailMsg.fromAddress = UserInfo.getUserEmail();
emailMsg.HtmlBody = 'Please find attached the quote';
List<Attachment> lstAttachments = [SELECT Id,Name, Body, ContentType, Bodylength
FROM Attachment
WHERE ParentId = :qt.Id
ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC];
opp = [SELECT Id, Name, Quote_Sent__c
FROM Opportunity__c
WHERE Id = :qt.Opportunity__r.Id];
To my surprise, even though the qt.Contact_Person__c field has a value in it, emailMsg.ToIds[0] throws an exception. Also, emailMsg.ToIds is debugged as empty. What could be causing this?
I'm bit surprised this compiles OK. EmailMessage is a standard object but officially it doesn't have a
field. Except you can see it used in the example at bottom of the page. Some undocumented mess. Maybe raise case with support.What's the button like? If you have "immediate=true" or apex:actionRegion in there it might be legit not posting back whole viewstate... That
comment is about debug from constructor or button click handler?I've hit a subtle bug with emails few weeks ago. it seems that raw access to
for example is buggy. said these all should be accessible and your code compiles... I had to usesetCcAddresses()
callYou already have SingleEmailMessage, maybe try explicitly setting
setTargetObjectId(contact id goes here)