System.Json.Net - deserializing a Task<T> fails (no parameterless constructor)

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I'm running into a problem where I can't deserialize a string into a Task using System.Text.Json (.Net 5).



I have a localized cache and store in it items retrieved from the DB.

I can't store the actual item in the cache, because any subsequent manipulation of the object results in the cached item being manipulation, affecting all further uses. I therefore store a serialized copy of the object.

Regarding performance...

I'm using the async/await pattern to call the DB (the whole app is async).

I read an article (may have been a video) in which Stephen Toub described the performance advantage of caching the Task. This SO article When to cache Tasks? goes into the details. Anyhow, I thought I'd try to take advantage of this (it works perfectly without serialization) using the following in my local cache "layer":

  1. If Task is in my cache, await it and return the result.
  2. Otherwise, call the DB method without awaiting it and add the resultant task to the cache

When I add serialization, then the deserialization of the task:

Task<TItem>? cachedItem = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Task<TItem>>(serializedItem);

results in

Deserialization of types without a parameterless constructor, a singular parameterized constructor, or a parameterized constructor annotated with 'JsonConstructorAttribute' is not supported.


There are 1 answers

Mike Marynowski On

The answer here is relatively straightforward - serialize the data inside the Task result, not the task itself.

If you aren't using something like memcached but rather using something like a simple Dictionary in-process object cache then serializing and deserializing seems like a rather heavy approach to cloning objects though.