Syslog not logging IBM Broker messages

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In a AIX Server I’ve been trying to save my IBM Broker (version 8.0) logs, but they’re not getting logged at all. I’ve configured the syslog file using either tabs on the first space or simply separated the path/file and the facility “user” by spaces characters.

syslog.conf   /var/mqsi/info.log rotate  size 4m files 4
user.err    /var/mqsi/err.log  rotate  size 4m files 4

Also tried: /var/mqsi/info.log rotate  size 4m files 4
user.err /var/mqsi/err.log  rotate  size 4m files 4

Then run:

refresh -s syslogd

After that I waited a couple of hours an the files were still without any logs.

The info.log and err.log files have system & root permissions, as well as chmod 640 (write and read) configured.


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