SyntaxNet - Reduce time for parsing sentence

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I am successfully able to parse a sentence using Syntaxnet using following command.

echo 'Bob brought the pizza to Alice.' | syntaxnet/

On an average Syntaxnet takes about 4 seconds to parse. I presume the model loads everything each time it is called. is there any way where we can pre-load the model in memory and keep it as such so that I can reduce the time taken. Also, is there any way to reduce the time taken to parse a single sentence.


There are 1 answers

Xiang Lv On
$ cat test.txt| syntaxnet/

In the test.txt, I write two setences:

how are you doing today
i am doing great

The result is as follows:

Input: how are you doing today
doing VBG ROOT
 +-- how WRB advmod
 +-- are VBP aux
 +-- you PRP nsubj
 +-- today NN tmod
Input: i am doing great
doing VBG ROOT
 +-- i PRP nsubj
 +-- am VBP aux
 +-- great JJ advmod