symfony2 / behat / mink login troubles when testing in the browser

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I have troubles executing a behat/mink test routine in the browser. I have tried sahi and selenium divers, the result is the same:

I run the test, sahi opens the login modal-popup, but does not fill in username and password. Clicking "submit" does work again, but due to the missing username and password the user is not logged in ("wrong username/password" message is shown).

Now the questions:

  • Does anyone have an idea why this might happen and what I can do to get the issue fixed
  • Can someone tell me how to slow down execution in the browser (its very hard to follow)
  • Any more ideas on how to debug issues which occur during execution of the test scripts?

my feature step for loging in:

     * @Given /^I am logged in as "([^"]*)"$/
    public function iAmLoggedInAs($username)
        $user = $this->getUserFromUsername($username);
        $this->loggedInUser = $user;

html of the page:


There are 1 answers

Inoryy On

Fields parameters should be either field labels (actual text, not id) or field names.

so solution to your problem is to either use:


