I have an issue with Panther in a Symfony 4.4 project.
The project has LiipFunctionnalTestBundle
on it, but for testing JS as well, I wanted to have Panther.
I've installed Panther, in my composer I've "symfony/panther": "^0.8.0"
and I can extend my class with PantherTestCase
or use PantherTestCaseTrait
to have Panther and Liip
(according to the documentation symfony/panther).
But I'm not sure my project initialized Panther... If I do a simple test like:
namespace App\Tests\Controller\Social;
use Symfony\Component\Panther\PantherTestCase;
class PantherControllerTest extends PantherTestCase
public function test1(): void
$client = static::createPantherClient(); // create your panther client
$client->request('GET', '/login');
I will have an error message when testing it:
Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\LogicException: Output has been disabled.
and it target the line with "createPantherClient".
If I tried to use Liip
with WebTestCase
and Panther in a Trait : it's working until I want to use specific assert from Panther. And then my IDE say 'assertSelectorIsEnabled'
not found in NewsControllerPantherTest'
. The method createPantherClient
is not recognized, so even if I tried to put a localhost and a port to it, it doesn't work...
So, I think Panther is in my project but doesn't load? I'm in a Windows PC with Mamp, PHP 7.4.1 and Apache.
I've put the tag in phpunit.xml.dist as say in the doc.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- https://phpunit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration.html -->
<phpunit xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<extension class="Symfony\Component\Panther\ServerExtension" />
<ini name="error_reporting" value="-1" />
<server name="APP_ENV" value="test" force="true" />
<server name="SHELL_VERBOSITY" value="-1" />
<env name="SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER" value="disabled" />
<testsuite name="Project Test Suite">
<whitelist processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true">
<directory suffix=".php">src</directory>
Thanks a lot for your help =)
I got this error because our web dir is non-standard. (Found out via stacktrace).
Try putting this in
with dir you use):