symfony easyadmin dropzone field

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is there a way in symfony easyadmin I can configureFields of type symfony ux Dropzone ??

I used this method but when I drag drop, the preview image does not show ,any help

yield Field::new('imageFile')

There are 2 answers

Ismael Lastlevel On BEST ANSWER

I've figured out a way to achieve this;

  1. you have to register symfony-ux dropzone form theme within twig:
        '%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/symfony/ux-dropzone/templates': CustomDropzoneNamespace
  1. add the form theme when using the DropzoneType (or globally if you want):
yield Field::new('imageFile')
  1. you have to make sure that the stimulux-ux is loaded properly within easyadmin:
public function configureAssets(): Assets
        return Assets::new()

where "backend" is a webpack entry that loads the stimulus js controller

Ju_ On

Just add these lines in your DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController Where 'app' is your webpack entry's name

    public function configureAssets(): Assets
        return parent::configureAssets()

    public function configureCrud(): Crud
        return parent::configureCrud()