I have this scenario:
A value is read from a cookie and passed as an $option
to a FormType:
$indexOrder = $request->cookies->get('clientfile-order') ?? 'date-last';
$advancedSearchform = $this->createForm(ClientFileSearchType::class, null, ['index_order' => $indexOrder]);
Inside the Form I have this code:
->add('queryOrder', ChoiceType::class, ['label' => "Order by",
'mapped' => false,
'expanded' => false,
'multiple' => false,
'required' => true,
//'empty_data' => $options['index_order'],
'data' => $options['index_order'],
'choices' => [ 'Fecha de última actuación' => 'action-last',
'Fecha apertura (más recientes primero)' => 'date-last',
'Fecha apertura (más antiguos primero)' => 'date-first',
'Nº fichero (más recientes primero)' => 'clientfile-last',
'Nº fichero (más antiguos primero)' => 'clientfile-first'
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver): void
'index_order' => null, //'date-last',
'data_class' => null,
If I debug $indexOrder value after cookie reading, the value is correct before passing option to createForm. I tried both attributes data
and empty_data
and both of them behave the same.
But default value is not loaded, it always shows last value used in previous call and only if I reload page with Ctrl + F5 the correct value appears.
I could set the value by Javascript but if possible I prefer set it on server, is there a way to do that? What is failing?
it is probably the way you pass index_order in $options.
you should probably just try to debug indexOrder inside the form type.
you might also add a model for better control over the form variables.
here is a working example using the main form from the symfony docs with addition of your drop down box:
and finally in the twig template just add
{{ form(form) }}
or any other customisation if needed.