Switch DB implementation details at runtime using the repository pattern in a Clean architecture project

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This is just an example of an (still incomplete) real-world project written in Rust using a clean architecture: https://github.com/frederikhors/rust-clean-architecture-with-db-transactions.


My intent is to have an app build in 4 layers:

  • entities:

    • some call this layer "domain", not important for now, just the minimum
  • services:

    • some call this layer "use cases", this is where business logic lives (just CRUD methods for now)
  • repositories:

    • some call this layer "adapters", this is where concrete implementation of DB/cache/mail drivers lives
  • ports:

    • some call this layer "controllers or presenters", still not present and not important for now, I'm using main.rs for this



The issue

If you open the main.rs file you can see the issue:

// This obviously works if alone:
// let db_repo = Arc::new(repositories::in_memory::Repo::new());

// This obviously works if alone:
// let pg_pool = Arc::new(sqlx::PgPool::connect("postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres").await.unwrap());
// let db_repo = Arc::new(repositories::postgres::Repo::new(pg_pool));

// This doesn't work instead:
let db_repo = if use_postgres {
    let pg_pool = Arc::new(sqlx::PgPool::connect("postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres").await.unwrap());

} else {

My intent here is to change repository in use based on a variable, but Rust doesn't like it, this is the error:

Expand the error
error[E0308]: `if` and `else` have incompatible types
--> src\main.rs:37:9
28 |       let db_repo = if use_postgres {
|  ___________________-
29 | |         let pg_pool = Arc::new(
30 | |             sqlx::PgPool::connect("postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres")
31 | |                 .await
...  |
35 | |         Arc::new(repositories::postgres::Repo::new(pg_pool))
| |         ---------------------------------------------------- expected because of this
36 | |     } else {
37 | |         Arc::new(repositories::in_memory::Repo::new())
| |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected struct `repositories::postgres::Repo`, found struct `in_memory::Repo`
38 | |     };
| |_____- `if` and `else` have incompatible types
= note: struct `in_memory::Repo` and struct `repositories::postgres::Repo` have similar names, but are actually distinct types
note: struct `in_memory::Repo` is defined in module `crate::repositories::in_memory` of the current crate
--> src\repositories\in_memory\mod.rs:6:1
6  | pub struct Repo {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: struct `repositories::postgres::Repo` is defined in module `crate::repositories::postgres` of the current crate
--> src\repositories\postgres\mod.rs:6:1
6  | pub struct Repo {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

How can I fix this?


There are 1 answers

cafce25 On

Like always with different types you have essentialy 2 options, static or dynamic dispatch.

For dynamic dispatch both Repo types have to implement a common trait that encompasses all necessary functionality and is object safe:

pub trait Repo {
    fn do_stuff_with_repo(&self);
    // etc

impl Repo for postgres::Repo {
    fn do_stuff_with_repo(&self) {

impl Repo for in_memory::Repo {
    fn do_stuff_with_repo(&self) {

let db_repo: Arc<dyn Repo> = if use_postgres {
    let pg_pool = Arc::new(sqlx::PgPool::connect("postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres").await.unwrap());

} else {

or for static dispatch create an enum and everytime you have to deal with it you pattern match:

enum Repo {
let db_repo = if use_postgres {
    let pg_pool = Arc::new(sqlx::PgPool::connect("postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres").await.unwrap());

} else {