We use coldfusion 9, and have sending limits with our individual SMTP accounts that our site uses to send email. I want to alternate between two servers depending on what time of day it is.
<cfif timeformat(now(),'HH:mm:ss') GT '12:00:00' >
<cfset email.username="[email protected]" />
<cfset email.password="s3cr3t" />
<cfset email.username="[email protected]" />
<cfset email.password="s3cr3t2" />
I would like to do this in Application.cfm
(we don't use cfc) and not have to modify any cfmail
If you want to split the volume of email between each server, I would suggest keeping a value that would tell you which server to use next:
This would go in your appplication file.
Whenever a cfmail is used, it would use the current settings: