I am trying to run a simple swipe function for an iOS app. The swipe functionality that I'm using is something like this:
public static void swipe (AppiumDriver<?> driver, WebElement element, String direction ) throws Exception {
int startX = element.getLocation().getX();
int startY = element.getLocation().getY();
int endX = element.getLocation().getX();
int endY=element.getLocation().getY();
switch (direction){
case "left":
startX += element.getSize().getWidth();
endX = -(element.getSize().getWidth());
case "right":
startX = 0;
endX +=element.getSize().getWidth();
case "up":
startY += element.getSize().getHeight();
endY = -element.getSize().getHeight();
case "down":
endY += driver.manage().window().getSize().getHeight();
throw new Exception("invalid direction, must be left/right/up/down");
//driver.swipe(startX, startY, endX, endY, 1000);
new TouchAction(driver).press(startX, startY).waitAction(1000).moveTo(endX,
System.out.println(startX +" " + startY+ " " + endX+ " " +endY);
The default capabilities I'm using locally are:
"platformName": "iOS"
"platformVersion": "10.3"
"automationName": "Appium"
"deviceName": "iPhone 7"
I have tried with the same desired capabilities locally and its working fine on the simulator. I am running it on the same device(i in the device farm.
I am also using the Appium v1.6.5 locally as well as in device farm.
Do not set your desired capabilities for device farm. It will not use them and in expected things happen when doing that.
Try not setting them and see if that helps. Let me know what happens.
Best regards James