I'm working on a package that has many custom parameters with default values. Given that there are so many potential initializers it can quickly become confusing to properly order everything when you change many parameters.
I have a two part question:
- Is there a way to remove the ordering requirement from initialization?
- If not – is there a better way to structure custom parameters for this package? What do other developers recommend?
I considered using view modifiers but unsure how effectively that'd work given this package structure.
Struct initialization & utilization are below.
public struct LineChart: View {
public var data: [Double]
public var title: String?
public var subtitle: String?
public var floatingPointNumberFormat: String
public var cursorColor: Color
public var curvedLines: Bool
public var displayChartStats: Bool
public var minWidth: CGFloat
public var minHeight: CGFloat
public var maxWidth: CGFloat
public var maxHeight: CGFloat
public var titleFont: Font
public var subtitleFont: Font
public var priceFont: Font
public var fullScreen: Bool
private var chartStyle: ChartStyle = Styles.lineChartStyleOne
public init (data: [Double],
title: String? = nil,
subtitle: String? = nil,
style: LineChartStyle? = .primary,
curvedLines: Bool = true,
cursorColor: Color = Colors.IndicatorKnob,
displayChartStats: Bool = false,
minWidth: CGFloat = 0,
minHeight: CGFloat = 0,
maxWidth: CGFloat = .infinity,
maxHeight: CGFloat = .infinity,
titleFont: Font = .system(size: 30, weight: .regular, design: .rounded),
subtitleFont: Font = .system(size: 14, weight: .light, design: .rounded),
dataFont: Font = .system(size: 16, weight: .bold, design: .monospaced),
floatingPointNumberFormat: String = "%.1f",
fullScreen: Bool = false) {
// Assign data
self.data = data
self.title = title
self.subtitle = subtitle
self.floatingPointNumberFormat = floatingPointNumberFormat
self.cursorColor = cursorColor
self.curvedLines = curvedLines
self.displayChartStats = displayChartStats
self.minHeight = minHeight
self.minWidth = minWidth
self.maxHeight = maxHeight
self.maxWidth = maxWidth
self.subtitleFont = subtitleFont
self.titleFont = titleFont
self.priceFont = dataFont
self.fullScreen = fullScreen
switch style {
case .custom(let customStyle): self.chartStyle = customStyle
case .primary: self.chartStyle = Styles.lineChartStyleTwo
case .secondary: self.chartStyle = Styles.lineChartStyleThree
case .tertiary: self.chartStyle = Styles.lineChartStyleFour
default: self.chartStyle = Styles.lineChartStyleOne
public var body: some View {
LineChartView(data: self.data, title: self.title, legend: self.subtitle, style: self.chartStyle, valueSpecifier: self.floatingPointNumberFormat, cursorColor: self.cursorColor, curvedLines: self.curvedLines, displayChartStats: self.displayChartStats, minWidth: self.minWidth, minHeight: self.minHeight, maxWidth: self.maxWidth, maxHeight: maxHeight, titleFont: self.titleFont, subtitleFont: self.subtitleFont, priceFont: self.priceFont)