I am trying to create a quiz app which has a timer for each question when the timer expires (i.e. 10 seconds and I want Timmer
to have an interval of 1 sec) it resets it self and next question is fetched and Timmer
again restart from 10... But my issue is the timer doesn't follow a fixed interval when first question is loaded it shows interval of 2 ... i.e. 10,8,6 .. and then for second question it makes jump for 3 secs interval and similarly the interval increases.
var countTime = 10.0
func handleNextQuestion() throws {
if questionCounter == allQuestions.list.count-1{
finishButton.isHidden = false
nextButton.isHidden = true
//scoreLbl.text = "\(score)"
func nextQuestion(){
showResultView(isCorrect: (question?.isAnswerCorrect)!)
questionCounter = questionCounter + 1
question = fetchQuestion()
setQuizView(question: question!)
@objc func update() {
if(countTime > 0) {
countTime = countTime - 1
self.countDownLabel.text = String(countTime)
countTime = 10.0
try handleNextQuestion()
func startTimer() {
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(ViewController.update), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
func setQuizView(question:Question) {
self.countDownLabel.text = "10"
questionLabel.text = question.questionText
ansLbl1.text = question.answer1
ansLbl2.text = question.answer2
ansLbl3.text = question.answer3
ansLbl4.text = question.answer4
if question.selectedAnswer == Constants.DEFAULT_ANSWER {
for checkBoxItem in checkBoxlist{
checkBoxItem.isChecked = false
func setQuizView(question:Question)
twice. I think that explains the behaviour. On each new question the timer is started twice but only invalidated once so the seconds jump by an extra one exach question.just delete one of the calls to