So, I'm having a bit of an issue with my Navigation Controller. Below is a picture from my story board. Let's number the different tableviews from left to right 1, 2, 3, 4. Tableview 1 is the root one with the navigation controller attached, and tableview 4 is furthest to the right. The white(blank) view controller above is the basket:
When I run the application, the root tableview looks as I'd expect:
If you click the first cell 'Classic Starters' you are taken to tableview controller number 2 which also looks as I'd expect, full access to my basket and the option to go back to the main menu:
Now the next tableview number 3 is where the problem is. If you click 'Dips' from tableview controller 2 above you are taken to the tableview number 3. As you can see, there is no basket button available, and again if you proceed further to tableview 4 still no basket button:
What I've tried:
I've tried dragging a segue attachment from the navigation controller in the top left to the third tableview controller, but still no luck. I've tried embedding tvc 3 and 4 in their own navigation controllers but still, no luck. I'm clearly doing something stupid here, so I'd appreciate some help.