Swift MessageKit problems - running swift 4.2

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I had just updated my code to swift 4.2 and fixed all the errors. Now I am trying to use 'MessageKit' to put a messenger into my app. Everything is updated yet I am having these problems... now it is saying for MessagesInputBarDelegate

"Use of undeclared type 'MessagesInputBarDelegate'"


"Use of undeclared type 'MessageInputBar'"


"Argument Labels '(type:)' do not match any available overloads"


"Cannot convert value of type'_?' to expected argument type 'URL?"

Use of undeclared type 'MessagesInputBarDelegate'

Use of undeclared type 'MessageInputBar'

extension CustomerChatViewController: MessagesInputBarDelegate {

func messageInputBar(_ inputBar: MessageInputBar, didPressSendButtonWith text: String) {
    let message = Message(user: user, content: text)

    inputBar.inputTextView.text = ""


Argument labels '(type:)' do not match any available overloads

let cameraItem = UIBarButtonItem(type: .system)

Cannot convert value of type '_?' to expected argument type 'URL?'

let imageName = [UUID().uuidString, String(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)].joined()
    storage.child(channelID).child(imageName).putData(data, metadata: metadata) { meta, error in

There are 3 answers

Julien Kode On BEST ANSWER

Have you install MessageInputBar ? You can install it like that

pod 'MessageInputBar'

Since MessageKit 2.0.0 you have to install MessageInputBar

Di Nerd Apps On

adding worked for me too then

import InputBarAccessoryView

then in viewDidLoad() add this :

override func viewDidLoad() {
        messageInputBar.delegate = self
        maintainPositionOnKeyboardFrameChanged = true
        messageInputBar.inputTextView.tintColor = .yellow
        messageInputBar.sendButton.setTitleColor(.purple, for: .normal)

        messagesCollectionView.messagesDataSource = self
        messagesCollectionView.messagesLayoutDelegate = self
        messagesCollectionView.messagesDisplayDelegate = self
        messagesCollectionView.messageCellDelegate = self

        messageInputBar.leftStackView.alignment = .center
        messageInputBar.setLeftStackViewWidthConstant(to: 50, animated: false)


calling the delegate method :

extension ChatVC: MessageInputBarDelegate {

    func inputBar(_ inputBar: InputBarAccessoryView, didPressSendButtonWith text: String) {
        guard let user = self.user else{return}
        guard let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else{return}
        let ref = Database.database().reference().child("messages").child(uid).child("personal").child(user.uid)
        let values = ["sender": uid, "text": text, "recipient": user.uid]
        inputBar.inputTextView.text = ""
stry-kai On

Well i also added this in the view controller class

import MessageInputBar