Swift Impossible Type Inference

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I am trying to load a file from my app bundle in Swift 3, and I came across a weird situation with the Swift type inferencing. If I use the following code, I get an error on the third line that says Value of optional type "String?" not unwrapped.

let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath:Bundle.main.bundlePath)
let url2 = url.appendingPathComponent("foo.txt")
let path:String = url2?.path

To fix the error I unwrap the value on the third line by changing it to:

let path:String = url2?.path!

I now get the error Cannot force unwrap value of a non-optional type 'String'. It seems like Swift can't determine whether the path property is a String or a String?. The autocomplete feature in Xcode says it is a String, but the docs say it is a String?.

The suggested fix by Xcode for the first error was to replace url2?.path with (url2?.path)!, which finally ended up working, but I have no idea why this works and the other ways don't.

let path:String = (url2?.path)!

What is going on? Is this a type inference bug in Swift, or am I missing something super obvious


There are 3 answers


In Swift, Optional chaining like:

let path:String = url2?.path!

... is interpreted as:

let path:String = url2 != nil ? url2!.path!
                              : nil

As you see the type of path is non-Optional String, so the expression causes error.

(url2's type is URL?, so the type of property path is String, not String?.)

This is not a direct answer to your question, but I would re-write your code as:

let url = Bundle.main.bundleURL
let url2 = url.appendingPathComponent("foo.txt")
let path:String = url2.path

Shorter, and no worry about Optionals.

Mike JS Choi On

You forgot to unwrap url2

appendingPathComponent returns an optional value and you are trying to access it without unwrapping it.


let url2 = url.appendingPathComponent("foo.txt")!


guard let url2 = url.appendingPathComponent("foo.txt") else { }

should fix it


let path:String? = url2?.path

works also

Pragnesh Vitthani On

You can also do this:

let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "foo", withExtension: "txt")!
let path:String = url.path