Swift Compiler Error when overriding function of subclass inheriting from NSObject that is declared within a function

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I get Swift Compiler Error - Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11" whenever I try override a function of a subclass that inherits from NSObject that is declared within a function.

I've tried it with different classes and functions, I get the error for all of them.

  1. I will only get the error if I am overriding a function or
  2. If I remove the NSObject, it works and I do not get the error.

Anybody know why this is and why inheriting from NSObject makes a difference?


class ParentClass: NSObject {
    func returnFooString() -> String {
        return "foo"

//This Fails
class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        class childClass: ParentClass {
            override func returnFooString() -> String {
                return "bar"

//This Passes
class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        class childClass: ParentClass {
           func returnBarString() -> String {
                return "bar"

Overriding the returnFooString function will only pass if ParentClass does not inherit from NSObject


There are 2 answers


This seems like it was a bug in the older versions of Swift. I have tested again in Swift 2.0 and it is now fixed

Özgür Ersil On

NSObject extends from Cocoa Class which has it's own init method. When you delete NSObject it turns to a normal swift class and doesn't require Cocoa Class init. That's why it doesn't give error.

Initialization Sample of NSObject

class MyClass: NSObject {

    var someProperty: NSString // no need (!). It will be initialised from controller 

    init(fromString string: NSString) {
        self.someProperty = string

    convenience override init() {
        self.init(fromString:"John") // calls above mentioned controller with default name