I'm new to javascript/jade. I'm attempting to create a simple example using sweetalert2 from within a jade template file. When I run the following I receive the 'Help Me' alert but when I get to the swal line I receive:
ReferenceError: swal is not defined
html head title= title style. body { font-family: verdanna; font-size: 19px; background: #aaaaaa; } link(type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='file:///home/dave/css/sweetalert2.css') body script(src='file:///home/dave/js/sweetalert2.min.js') script. var func=function() { alert('Help me'); swal('swal help'); block content h2 Hello button(onclick='func()') Alert footer .row .col-xs-12 small © Neo Inc 2017
It should be noted that I'm running this from within an express/node.js based toy application. I've verified that the sweetalert2.css and sweetalert2.min.js files exist by copying the locations from the code and inserting them into another tab on the browser. Any suggestions/help would be appreciated.
The problem is that you can't include files with an absolute
link in modern browsers from sites that are served with the HTTP protocol (source). You need to specify a relative path, e.g.src='../myPage.js'
. That path should be relative to the directory the HTML/Pug file is located in.