I'm using Swagger 1.3.10 and am trying to get the Swagger UI to functionally accept a cookie parameter for a REST service. Here's an example of my Java code:
public Response getUserInfo(
@Context HttpHeaders headers,
@ApiParam(value="Enter brand code as an Integer", defaultValue="101", required=true) @CookieParam(value = "userBrand") String brand)
Now the actual Swagger UI renders just fine actually...it even populates the default value with "101" in this case. The problem is when I click "Try it Out" the brand parameter is always coming through as null.
Seems like I'm missing something simple here...any thoughts?
Thanks a lot!
Cookie parameters are not really supported by Swagger. Swagger-core generates them as cookie parameters, but they are not supported by the other tools as that's not an official part of the spec.