SVN update not working

3.6k views Asked by At

From what i know - SVN Team > Update (^ALT U) updates the local version of the code with the changes in the repository - so that the non-conflicting changes in the repository are merged into my local code here and the conflicting ones are merged-still-and-marked to show the conflicts between my code and the one in the code base. however, i'm not getting my local code updated when i do the update.

I also tried Team > Update to Revision (^ALT D) with the "right kind of options".

How can i work this?

Is this an issue with SVN settings/preferences?

I'm running it on Eclipse/Luna. New project/installations, straightforward installation and default SVN settings on Eclipse.


Note: I've seen svn update not updating and svn update is not working among some other discussions.




Team->Show History

in Java view shows the revisions list. I see the same list when i do Show History in SVN Repository Exploring view. This list seems all OK-- the kind i've seen on my other uses of SVN.


svn info 

in command prompt gave:

svn info
'svn' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

I ran this command on a local shell in Remote Systems view as described in the accepted answer of Is there an Eclipse plugin to run system shell in the Console?.


There are 1 answers

John On

Hmm, some other suggetsions (if you haven't tried yet): right click on the top level folder of the project and try Team->Refresh/Clean Up and then try right-click->Refresh on the same. Right click on the top level folder and see what you get for Compare With->Latest From Repository. Select a specific file you think is not up to date with the latest from repository, right click and select Compare With->Latest From Repository. As a last resort you can copy the project to a backup location and do a fresh check out from head.

You can get a svn client from here (I use the one available from collabnet, you will need the version that matches the version the server is running):

If you don't have this resource already, its a good one to have if you have more svn in your future: